Are you seeking permission?

This funny thing happens to me when I think about writing.

My stomach gets tied in knots, and I begin to get this fuzzy, prickly anxiety that tells me I will never get this piece published, that no one wants to read what I have to say. How could I, the voice in my head asks, have anything to say that would be useful to anyone?

“What makes you think you have the right to write, Dawn?”

I’ve become a pro at drowning out that voice.

On my good days, I will use praise music and prayer and plunge ahead. A lot of other days I will use distraction: in the form of books or busyness or something I just have to watch—right now—on Amazon Prime!

Today I’ve taken a day off of work to write. Suddenly 100 chores seem so urgent! The TV is so inviting. Surely there’s a friend to talk to out there somewhere.

Is anyone out there?

But I’m starting with this blog post and then moving to the manuscript that’s needed attention for a long time now. So much time, in fact, that even it taunts me. Those words on the page seem to join the chorus accusing me of not knowing what I’m doing!

They seem to scream the question of whether I have permission to put my words, my thoughts, and my heart out there for the world to see!

Let me tell you, I not only have permission, I have a responsibility! And it’s a responsibility to God and to you, too!

1 Peter 4:10-11 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (emphasis added)

So this morning I see my writing as a way through which I can serve you and I can bring glory to God! Why wouldn’t I get going to do that?

What about you?

Is there an area where your internal voice, the world, or the enemy have convinced you that you need permission to do something God has placed on your heart?

Do it anyway!

Be obedient. Write, dance, create, or share for God’s glory. Make that call. And trust God with the outcome.

We can obediently give our talents back to Him as offerings. He’s able to do more with my writing than I could ever ask or imagine anyway!! Let’s trust Him today!!


Go Ahead. Ask for the Shark.


How about that weather?