Can I Be Hur?
No. That’s not a typo in the headline.
We may be ready, willing and able to answer God’s call to be the girl who makes a difference in those around us, but I’m NOT asking “Can I Be Her?”
My question is “Can I Be Hur?” And it is rooted in an event recorded in Exodus 17.
The Israelites have been attacked, and Moses shares the battle plan: Joshua is going to lead the people in a battle while Moses stands high above them raising his staff to the sky. This symbolizes their reliance upon God for the victory.
The problem comes when Moses gets tired and his arms start to lower. The battle starts going against Joshua and the Israelites.
Moses’ strength just wasn’t enough.
Enter Aaron and our friend Hur.
“As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.”
That’s Exodus 17:11-12 NIV
God gave the victory that day, but I love the picture of community and partnership and teamwork that shows up here. Aaron and Hur were there to help their leader and their friend. They first got him a rock to sit on and then literally added their strength to his to hold the plan together.
So, back to our question: Can I Be Hur?
Often, we may feel called to be a leader like Moses, to actively be in the battle like Joshua, or even to be the right-hand human like Aaron. But are we willing to be Hur?
Lesser-known? Unknown, even?
The one whose identity is tied to one who gets more attention?
The one who isn’t the star attraction?
Maybe a better question is “How Can I Be Hur?”
Where are those moments and situations where we can hold up a leader, a spouse, a coworker, a family member, a friend or a stranger to help them with their God-given assignment?
Who needs us to hold them up through prayer?
Who needs us to hold them up through acts of service?
Who needs us to hold them up through loving, compassionate partnership?
Ask the Lord to show you areas and situations where He wants you to be like Hur and then serve with a willing heart.
To God be the glory!