Offering My Loaves & Fishes
I woke up extra early a couple of Saturdays ago — exactly one week before the scheduled launch of my debut book, I’d Rather Die than Obey.
My first inclination was to grab my computer and dive into my to-do list, to start striving to build my author career and to tackle marketing tasks so I could spread the word about the upcoming book release.
I wanted to spread the word about this Bible study on the book of Jonah.
Those aren’t necessarily bad things until I realized I was running ahead of God, trying to tackle assignments I’d thought of on my own or gleaned from a bevy of podcasts.
But I hadn’t asked for his direction over the tasks of my day. What could I do to bring him the most honor?
I stopped to pray and knew I needed to trust him with the outcomes I was trying so hard to orchestrate. I felt encouraged to rest and when I woke, THREE hours later, the words for this blog post were in my mind, and I had to grab my phone to jot them down so I could share with you.
See, my prayer for the book has been that I would do my part and then trust Jesus with the outcome. He is in charge of next steps.
In Matthew chapter 14, a crowd of people had been gathered around Jesus all day, soaking up every word of his teaching. When it got to be dinnertime, his disciples wanted to send the people away because they didn’t have any food to share. Jesus asked what they have. The answer was quick: just a tiny bit; five loa.ves and two fish. He told them to hand the food over. Trusting him, they placed the loaves and fishes into his hands, and he fed the multitude.
Back to me on that still-dark Saturday. . .
I had more than once prayerfully placed the written book into his hands, offering it as a sacrifice. I pictured it as my loaves and fishes I’ve brought to his powerful hands to use however he sees fit.
On that Saturday, though, I realized I was metaphorically browsing recipes for fish sandwiches.
Wouldn’t this be a good idea, Jesus?
And how about using the book this way?
I’d taken the offering back and started working to try to divide it out to feed everyone.
Does that sound familiar?
I think this is why scripture teaches that we need to take up our cross daily, to ask God to give us our daily bread, to remember that God’s mercies are new every morning.
This encounter was a great example of the final step on our journey to rest.
Before we get there, let’s recap:
The R in rest reminds us to
we were designed for something different than all of the rushing and harriedness. We were made for
with God and given the right to be adopted as His children when we put our faith in Jesus.
The E teaches us to
our circumstances by the
Once we’ve done these things, we’re ready for the next step. The letter S reminds us to:
Stop Striving
by Submitting to God’s Supreme Authority
Today we’ll add the T, which reminds us that we are to:
and live
See, I don’t need to pour over Pinterest for recipes for fish sandwiches!
Jesus is more than capable of feeding the masses without my supervision. I can trust God with the details of my life, including whatever plans he has for me as a writer and for any book I have written or will ever write.
I need to do my part — to carry out my responsibilities with a rested, peaceful heart.
Beyond that, I am to trust him, to know he is good, and to follow his leading. Rather than striving, I can live a transformed life that shines brightly with his light because I am resting in him and not striving so hard.
So, as I approached last Saturday’s launch day, I embraced the principles of R.E.S.T. we’ve been highlighting. I recognized my need, evaluated the situation in light of the eternal, surrrendered my striving, and trusted God with the outcome.
Now, fast forward a week and a little bit to today. . .
The book is launched and is winging its way into the world.
My prayer is that God uses it in whatever way he sees fit. I know he will guide it into the hands he intended to receive it, and i pray that the words I have written will testify to his goodness and complete trustworthiness.
Oh what a great love story our Savior wants to share with us through his Word. Please join me in praying that this book (and all my life) will point others to Jesus as the only source of hope.
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