Reflecting on Rhythm

In January, I shared my word for 2022: rhythm. At the time, I wrote, among other things, “In this new year, let’s trade the rapid ‘ratta tat tat’ of the world’s demands for the gentle rhythm that aligns our soul with our Savior.”

To be honest, I had no idea how out of whack my life rhythms had gotten. I was frazzled, frenzied, and frustrated, and more times than not, I took it out on myself. The mean girl in my head had a running commentary on every misstep I’d ever made and how I’d never quite measure up to others’ expectations.

At the end of the first quarter of the year, I found myself facedown on the floor, having tripped and fallen as I frantically chased trying to be enough. Let me be clear. These were MY expectations for myself, not necessarily anyone else’s!

A worker’s comp claim, an MRI (with good results thankfully) and weeks of rehab on my shoulder later, I accepted a new job, complete with empty inbox, fresh hard drive, and hopefully better habits.

BUT, the problem was I brought my inner monologue, a satchel full of unrealistic expectations, and my ratta tat tat drumbeat with me. My people-pleasing tendencies follow me still. So I’m holding myself accountable, setting aside writing time to process my world through a non-work lens. Allowing my brain the freedom to play, to imagine, and—dare I say—to create. Stories, poems, echoes of praise are beginning to spring up among the to-do lists and articles, the reports and the endless tasks.

What if I allowed myself to admit that writing is part of my must-do soul work, my way to honor God with the words of my heart and fingers, and the offering I give to Him as I encourage you to embrace your talents, too.

That may look different for you.

My mom and sister are doing a crochet fest.

One dear friend is intentionally taking time for watercolor painting, another for writing her book, another for ministering to hurting people she encounters on walks near her home.

I just thought of another friend who bakes delectable desserts, and another who takes exceptional photographs. I read a friend’s social media post about a young lady she knows who makes artworks of blown glass.

My niece-in-law is creating a most extraordinary life as she and her husband are caring for their precious twins, who are finally both home from the NICU.

A new friend is a caregiver for her friend, and a Bible study buddy cares exquisitely for hospice patients and still is taking time to lead a small group for people dealing with grief.

What beautiful offerings of talent! What creativity each of these extraordinary women have as they use their God-given design and passions! Maybe you see yourself in their stories, or maybe the voice in your head is telling you you’re not talented at all.

It’s simply not true. You have a gift.

Of song.

Of words.

Of art.

Of needle craft or hiking or woodworking.

Of love.

Of compassion.

Of smiling.

Of laughter.

Of raising animals, balancing checkbooks, or growing tomatoes.

Of sitting in silence with the heartbroken.

Of being uniquely you.

Celebrate the gifts God has given you. Use your talents—whatever they are. Embrace the rhythm they bring to your life, and encourage others around you to do the same.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10


What rhythm am I following?


Words on worry & wisdom